Boxes and trays
The first layout I planned for Gn15 was a farm and some boxes and trays were created based on a process developed for a 16mm layout.
Trays - a real produce tray was photographed and each face, including the base, was created separately and trimmed to size. These were then assembled in Photoshop with each face in the correct orientation and saved as a single jpeg. For ease of printing, these were then dropped into a table, in MS Word. Once printed, each was cut out and stuck onto a piece of sticky brown paper tape, to represent the internal cardboard, then cut out and assembled into a tray. |
Boxes - the box face artwork was first created in Photoshop and saved as a jpeg. In Word, a table was created with each cell size specified exactly (with no 'padding'). The images were dropped into the appropriate cells and resized to suit to cell sizes. Once printed, the boxes were cut out and stuck onto a backing sheet to stiffen them up, then cut out and assembled. The lines of the table forming the boxes were hidden (dotted blue) and did not print in the final output. Extension lines in surrounding cells marked the cut/fold lines. For the brown boxes, brown paper was stuck over each grid then the details reprinted once fully dry. The card colour could simply be added to the images or grid and printed. Suitable coloured papers such as brown envelopes could also be used.