Battery Loco 2
The second loco was based on a second-hand Piko HO 0-4-0 chassis, purchased from the 7mm NG stall at Expo NG. Again, a battery loco was chosen, but slightly bigger than the first, and with a cab. This was based on one the photo's displayed on the track investigations section under Building. All sheet plasticard construction except for the brass lifting tabs, axleboxes from a Slaters 00 wagon kit and some Grandt Line bolt heads. A knowledgeable friend described the likely controls, which became an intrinsic part of the cab detailing.
A 'Model Citizens' resin figure purchased from American supplier also helped to get the scale and feel. Headlights were being developed using child's torch led's and miniature batteries, when a chance run on the layout highlighted a small problem - it couldn't go through the door! Option 1 was to cut the cab down and option 2 was to use it as an 'external' loco running on another part of the layout (yet to be designed let alone built). After lots of pondering, out came the saw and the cab disappeared.
Although a disappointing outcome, the model is now usable. Painting had been started before 'the cut', with a black undercoat. A trial of a small can of Humbrol gloss spray acrylic ended when barely a single coat was applied before it ran out. Switching to Wilkinson own brand large spray cans was much more economical and still provided a decent finish.
Finally, a hand painted application of a Games Workshop 'Agrax Earthshade' provided a interesting griminess. The figure too was painted with acrylics, something new to me, but some tutorials on YouTube really helped. Lots more experimentation required in the painting department.