Bogie Wagon
While researching the van using Google images, I came across the vehicle below. It was used at the Manod Quarry near Blaenau Festiniog to transport works of art into the tunnel system, for safe-keeping during WW2. I particularly liked the close-set bogies and determined to make something like it. Soon after, while waiting for some glue to set on the van, I rummaged through various boxes and came across some old 00 wheel sets (standard 12mm dia.). I then pulled out the 12 Shapeways axleboxes that I'd had
3D printed as a trial. These were in the cheapest 'powdery' plastic, but had still been much more expensive than the CWR units. One or two were also very slightly misshapen and so were unlikely to be used for a 'proper' model. Without thinking any further ahead, a pair of small bogies was fabricated and the body design process started ...